Fall Term - 2024

September 21st - December 7th

Level One

Learning for All

For Arabic classes, it is essential that students can read and write at the Nuraniya level. These courses will feature weekly live sessions alongside recorded lessons. The recordings will primarily focus on developing skills in grammar and morphology, while the live sessions will emphasize practical application.

For other courses like Aqida, Fiqh, and Sira, knowledge of Arabic is not a prerequisite. These classes are accessible to all learners, regardless of their Arabic proficiency. Arabic texts will be provided, along with vocabulary lists to support those who are still learning the language.

Level Two

Arabic Language Learners

Completion of Arabic 103 is required for all Level 2 (200 series) courses. If you are new to Mutūn, demonstrating mastery of sound verb patterns, basic grammar, and the ability to read Qasas al-Nabiyyin with the help of a dictionary is sufficient for entry.

All Aqida, Fiqh, and Sira courses will be taught using Arabic textbooks (mutūn). These texts are simple and accessible, making them well-suited for second-year Arabic students.

Level 3

(Coming Fall 2025, insha Allah)

Scholarship Preparation Program

The aim of Level 3 is to equip students with the foundational tools needed to engage with the classical commentary tradition. The core subjects of focus are Usul al-Fiqh, logic, and intermediate grammar. In addition, students will study concise texts in other key disciplines such as Usul al-Tafsir, Tasawwuf, and rhetoric, providing them with broad and diverse domain fluency.